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Building Greatness: GO!19

Building Greatness: GO!19
The project

6B47, a prominent real estate development company, embarked on the "GO!19 – Garden Office 19" project located in Muthgasse, Vienna. This modern office building, spanning 8,600 m² of office space, is designed to offer flexible office units with optimal lighting, courtyards, and balconies to create a pleasant working environment. The goal was to set a new standard for modern workspaces, inspire businesses, and significantly boost lead generation.

The approach

We were tasked with translating the vision of GO!19 into a comprehensive digital presence. The project design was derived from the project folder and transformed into a cohesive digital design system. We meticulously designed the website in Figma, ensuring it was aligned with the project's branding before proceeding to develop it in Webflow, making it fully responsive. GO!19 served as a scalable template for future 6B47 projects. Our approach included performance optimization to enhance loading speeds, technical setup for search engine optimization, and the development of interactive elements such as an interactive building plan and the production and integration of a 3D location video using Google Earth. Additionally, we integrated an interactive Google Maps feature with detailed site information. This strategy focused on lead generation and creating a modern, engaging design aimed at attracting businesses to lease the office spaces.

The results

The GO!19 – Garden Office 19 website stands as a model of modern web design for real estate projects. The sleek, responsive design and optimized performance ensure a seamless user experience. The interactive building plan and 3D location video provide potential tenants with a comprehensive view of the property, while the Google Maps integration offers detailed site information. This digital transformation not only highlights the flexible, well-lit office spaces but also enhances the building's appeal, effectively setting a new benchmark for 6B47’s projects. Importantly, the strategic focus on lead generation and conversion optimization resulted in a significant increase in inquiries and interest from potential tenants. Compared to their previous standard websites, we increased the number of inquiries by 45%. The project successfully captures the essence of modern workspaces, inspiring companies to envision their future in GO!19.